Why You May Not Be Getting Pain Relief With Physiotherapy

Shane Mooney
June 27, 2022
Table of Contents

    Have you been managing your pain for some time now? 

    Did you imagine it would go away if you rested but, if anything, the pain has gotten worse?

    These are the common things we hear in the ProSport clinic when any patient comes in for their initial assessment.

    People struggle with their pain for so long until breaking point and very often it is hard to hear.

    In reality, being pain free and living a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life doesn’t have to be a struggle.

    Read on to find out just how simple it can be.

    The Reality Of Being In Pain

    If you’re in pain for long enough it can push you to the limits.

    This is when it gets to a point where the patient is so desperate to get rid of the pain they will do anything to get some relief. 

    This is when it’s stopping you from doing something you want or need to be able to do, for example, playing with your children, going to a running club or even taking the dog for a walk.  

    It almost feels like you have dealt with it for so long that you have just accepted the fact that you might have to cope with this for the rest of your life.

    Most people who have been in this position may have tried traditional approaches (google searches, home remedies, phoned the GP) and still not found help… 

    Alternatively this may have been an injury you sustained over the weekend, or something that has cropped up in the last few weeks, that is stopping you from returning to the things that you want to be able to do. 


    The ProSport Approach To Your Pain

    Whether you have a new injury or an injury that has been ongoing for years it is important to understand why it happened in the first place.

    Was it a traumatic injury, like a car crash, rugby tackle or a fall? Or did it come on over time?

    Can you remember the incident when you first noticed the pain? 

    Did the pain come on over time and there isn’t a clear date, movement or activity when you first noticed the pain? 

    Once we know why it happened it can give us an idea about what tissues might be causing your pain.


    Addressing The Real Issue

    With all injuries your body will pick up NEW movement habits to prevent it from having to load the area that is currently giving you pain. This is completely subconscious, so you aren’t aware that this is happening. 

    This is why we need to address the problem as soon as possible. With long term injuries that people may have had for sometime the body will be used to using these strategies so it normally takes long to achieve the end goal for this particular patient because there are more movement habits and strategies to overcome. 


    Why You May Not Be Getting Pain Relief With Physiotherapy

    As mentioned above we need to restore the body’s way of being able to move efficiently before the pain has started, therefore there are going to be NO quick fixes!  

    This takes time, we need to give the nervous system time to overcome the CORRECT way of moving so that you can move like this when it comes to the things that you need and want to be able to do. 

    If you come to ProSport looking for a quick fix you will NOT GET PAIN RELIEF! 

    The truth is no matter which profession you go to there is no MAGIC WAND, no short term relief. 

    Stick to the plan and you will see results!


    Why ‘Pain Free’ May Not Always Mean ‘Pain Free’

    If you are suggested a number of sessions this IS how long it will take to get to your end goal (the things you need and want to be able to do). 

    In most cases if you’re halfway through the plan and pain free you are still NOT ready to return to your end goal. You have not earned the right to be at that stage and so it is only a matter of time before the pain comes back and therefore you will NOT GET PAIN RELIEF. 

    We don’t work with anyone and everyone. We choose to work with the people that we know are motivated enough to make this plan a priority in their lives to enable them to see results in the long run. 

    If fixing your pain isn’t a priority to you… you don’t make the changes to put in place the exercises, turn up to the session and encourage your body to move efficiently you will NOT GET PAIN RELIEF. 

    Why You Should Call Us

    If you are able to recognise yourself as one of these people in pain, are you ARE motivated…  

    If you want to fix the problem long term… If you stop the pain from coming back and are going to turn up to every session then we want to help.

    All you have to do is click here to book your 1-1 initial assessment in which we’ll uncover the true cause of your pain and create a bespoke treatment plan so you can get back to the activities you want and need to do.

    Click here or call 01484 443173  to book your appointment today


    Shane Mooney

    Shane Mooney is the Head Physiotherapist at ProSport Physiotherapy Huddersfield. A former athlete, he graduated with first-class honours in physiotherapy from the University of Huddersfield in 2013. Shane has extensive experience in private practice, the NHS, and with Huddersfield Giants. Specialising in back pain and sports injuries, he leads the clinic's team and mentors physiotherapists globally through the ProSport Academy. Shane is also a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

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