Back pain is a common problem that most people experience at some point in their lifetime.
Studies have found the incidence of low back pain is highest in the third decade, and overall prevalence increases with age until the 60-65 year age group and then gradually declines (1).
Back pain can be the result of a number of different causes, stress, anxiety, depression and previous injuries.
It is important to understand how to manage the pain, but it is even more important to understand why this has happened and what needs to be done to stop this from happening again.
This blog will help you understand what you can do to control episodes of back pain and what you need to do to get to the bottom of the pain once and for all.
Why your back pain is causing you problems
This can be for a number of reasons, and if you’re currently experiencing back pain it might NOT be number one on your priority list.
Dealing with the pain may be the key thing on your mind, but it is important to know what has triggered the pain to put the right steps in place to get you pain free.
Once you have suffered an injury your body does a fantastic job at trying to protect the area. Your body’s mechanism to protect itself will start almost instantly, with back pain you might experience tightness in the muscles, restricted range of motion, and pain. These are all strategies to protect the body from experiencing more pain.
Common reasons for getting pain can be a result of physical or emotional stress on the body. This stress over time can trigger the body into fight or flight which is your body’s protective state, and may present in any of the symptoms described above.
What to do to manage your pain
1. Speak to a professional- There are many strategies you can use to manage the symptoms you are experiencing, BUT the most important thing for you right now is being able to get PAIN FREE so you can return to your normal day to day activities.
No one wants to be told they can’t do something important to them. You might have a skiing holiday coming up that you want to be fit for. You may have a long flight, a long walk or maybe you just want a night’s sleep without getting pain. Managing the symptoms isn’t enough, YOU need to stop the pain from happening in the first place and put the right steps in place to make sure it doesn’t come back again! Speak to a therapist to identify why the problem is happening and what you need to do to get pain free and return to normal life.
2. Speaking to a therapist is step number one, once they have given you a step by step guide to get back to being pain free it is important to follow their recommendations. If they suggest you take a rest from exercise this is to prevent the problem from getting worse and also ensures that you progress through your plan as expected. Sticking to the rehab is also important to encourage the body to move more efficiently without having to consciously think about it.
3. You can in the meantime manage the pain yourself from home. This will help ease the pain BUT it will NOT stop the pain from coming back. Following all of these steps will ensure that you see the best results. We do not encourage quick fixes, as we know that the problem will therefore return again in the future. Things you can use to manage the pain yourself include, heat (hot water bottle, hot bath), gentle stretches, breathing exercises and exercises specifically prescribed from your therapist (NOT from the internet).
How to prevent the pain from coming back
This is one of the most vital steps to ensure that you can live a healthy, happy, pain free life. It involves a lot of hard work, however you will see the long term effects which outweigh the hard work required.
Preventing the pain from coming back requires you to identify what is contributing to your pain in the first place. Once this has been established, correcting bad movement habits with new ones to get muscles in different areas working harder will ensure that you move more efficiently and therefore put less strain on other tissues.
Why You Should Call Us
If you are able to recognise yourself as one of these people in pain, are you ARE motivated…
If you want to fix the problem long term… If you stop the pain from coming back and are going to turn up to every session then we want to help.
All you have to do is click here to book your 1-1 initial assessment in which we’ll uncover the true cause of your pain and create a bespoke treatment plan so you can get back to the activities you want and need to do.
Click here or call 01484 443173 to book your appointment today
1: Hoy D, Brooks P, Blyth F, Buchbinder R. The Epidemiology of low back pain. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2010 Dec;24(6):769-81. doi: 10.1016/j.berh.2010.10.002. PMID: 21665125.